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We Are Building Bridges

between the classroom and the real world.

A project-based lesson plan, we explore different types of wood and how lumber contributes to three industries and career paths:


A project-based lesson plan, we explore different types of wood and how lumber contributes to three industries and career paths:


The Wonder of Lumber WORKBOOK

This project aims to teach the younger generations about the lumber industry. The objective of offering it to schools is to generate interest in the industry by showcasing different career paths available and how essential the lumber industry is to these careers.

Trees are the backbone of the lumber industry and one of the most renewable building materials on the planet. They also provide the framework for a variety of creative and innovative industries involving lumber.

The Wonder of Lumber Workbook has been created to teach the younger generations about the lumber industry. The lumber industry is an essential one that provides many jobs and important materials for everyday products. Throughout this program, we want to dismantle long-held myths about the lumber industries’ role in deforestation and how the industry is combating climate change. We also want to create interest in the industry by showcasing different career paths available. In addition, this program has been created to meet 4th-8th Grade Math Common Core Standards and provide STEM lessons that can easily be adapted into lesson plans already being taught.

Our program consists of three lessons developed around lumber careers focused on Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Furniture Making. Within each lesson, teachers can adapt the projects to meet their individual classroom needs. Students can create their projects at home with supplies commonly found in their household and present on Zoom to their teachers, or the projects can provide individual activities in the classroom. We hope this program brings real-world projects and meaning to students in a way that meets standards already being taught.

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